Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Freelance Writer Success

Succeeding as a freelance writer isn’t easy. But, it’s not that hard, either. If you passionately desire to make a decent living by writing, here are a few ideas to help you along.

  1. Make a list of your assets: Assets include education, hobbies, business or family contacts. Once you’ve listed your assets succeeding as a writer may seem more within your reach.
  2. Create a timeline: Determine how much time you have each week to donate toward developing your writing business. Usually, this breaks out into two sections, writing/pitching to clients and self-education.
  3. Develop a cost/return structure: Many writers bid on a per word basis. I never do. My bids are always either by the hour or by the project, which means I must be good at estimating how much time and effort a project will require. This gives the writer more control over time and, therefore, income.
  4. Leverage your research: Although most projects require an agreement for first publication rights, that doesn’t mean your research and editorial connections are also locked into that project. Whatever you learned and whatever connections you made while researching always remain your own. Use them in other ways and you will multiply your income.
  5. Know your client’s style: Every creative director and editor has a preferred style. Part of that style is how they use freelancers. Do they use the same folks over and over, or a changeable roster of writers? Check this out. You want to groom clients that will use your services again and again.
Freelance writing is both fun and profitable. Jump into the business and start writing. It is both fun and profitable.

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