In an age of rush and bustle, it's easy to assume that our words, either written or spoken, have little value. The opposite is true! Today, we can Facebook, Twitter and Blog our opinions to hundreds, even thousands, of people, through the power of technology. We can also influence those we love, one-on-one.
No one is perfect. But, everyone has perfectly inspiring words and thoughts to share.
Your unique gift, your point of view, is expressed in your words. So, write them, speak them, share them. It is generous and kind to share an uplifting thought or tale with others. It can help them more than you know.
Recently, I went through my journals. During my growing years, my passion for writing was dismissed by certain relatives. I pursued it in spite of strictures to be more practical, slogging through the slough of criticism instead of rising on wings of praise. Yet, in one journal entry, I was surprised to read that my example of writing had inspired my sister to write books.
What greater gift can we give to one another than our words, thoughts and examples? Share your soul through your words. You, and others in your world, with be better for it.